c't freeware shareware 1999 February
apple event listing
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Text File
137 lines
This is the file which is used to generate the AppleScript dictionary for
gnuplot. As a result, it shows the currently available set Apple events
that gnuplot supports. This file is actually the input to a perl script,
so it probably looks a bit strange.
**** Key ****
@EVENT "applescript name", "applescript description", 'class', 'id'
@REPLY 'type', "applescript description", flags you can ignore
@DIRECT 'type', "tapplescript description", flags you can ignore
@PARAM "applescript name", 'key', 'type', "applescript description", flags you can ignore
@PROPERTY "applescript name", 'key', 'type', "applescript description", flags you can ignore
@CLASS "applescript name", 'key', "applescript description"
@ENUM "applescript name", 'key', "applescript description"
@TITLE "Events for gnuplot"
@SUITE "Required Events", "Required events that every application should support.", 'reqd'
@SUITE "Standard Suite", "Common terms for most applications", 'CoRe'
@EVENT "save", "save an object", 'core', 'save'
@REPLY 'null', "", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM
@DIRECT '****', "the object to save", REQ, SINGLE, ENUM, CHANGE
@PARAM "in", 'kfil', 'fss ', "the file in which to save the object", REQ, SINGLE, ENUM
@EVENT "get", "get the data for an object", 'core', 'getd'
@REPLY '****', "the data from the object", REQ, SINGLE, ENUM
@DIRECT '****', "the object whose data is to be returned", REQ, SINGLE, ENUM, NOCHANGE
@EVENT "set", "set an objects data", 'core', 'setd'
@REPLY 'null', "", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM
@DIRECT '****', "the object whose data is to be changed", REQ, SINGLE, ENUM, CHANGE
@PARAM "to", 'data', '****', "the new value", REQ, SINGLE, ENUM
@CLASS "application", 'capp', "application properties"
@PROPERTY "clipboard", 'clip', '****', "gnuplot's clipboard", SINGLE, NOENUM, RDWR
@PROPERTY "terminals", 'TLST', 'TEXT', "list of the currently available terminals", LIST, NOENUM, RDONLY
@PROPERTY "graph creator", 'QDCR', 'fltp', "creator code for QuickDraw graphs", SINGLE, NOENUM, RDWR
@PROPERTY "file creator", 'CREA', 'fltp', "creator code for text plots", SINGLE, NOENUM, RDWR
@PROPERTY "file type", 'TYPE', 'fltp', "file type for text plots", SINGLE, NOENUM, RDWR
@PROPERTY "working folder", 'wfdr', 'alis', "the path to the default folder for the command–line plot and load commands", SINGLE, NOENUM, RDWR
@PROPERTY "current terminal", 'TERM', 'TEXT', "the name of the current terminal", SINGLE, NOENUM, RDONLY
@PROPERTY "text font", 'FONT', 'TEXT', "the font for graphs", SINGLE, NOENUM, RDWR
@PROPERTY "text size", 'SIZE', 'shor', "the text size for graphs", SINGLE, NOENUM, RDWR
@PROPERTY "graph size", 'GSIZ', 'QDpt', "dimensions of the next graph", SINGLE, NOENUM, RDWR
@ELEMENT 'cwin', 'indx', 'name'
@CLASS "window", 'cwin', "a window"
@PROPERTY "bounds", 'pbnd', 'qdrt', "the boundary rectangle for the window", SINGLE, ENUM, RDONLY
@PROPERTY "closeable", 'hclb', 'bool', "does the window have a close box?", SINGLE, ENUM, RDONLY
@PROPERTY "index", 'pidx', 'shor', "the number of the window", SINGLE, ENUM, RDONLY
@PROPERTY "floating", 'isfl', 'bool', "does the window float?", SINGLE, ENUM, RDONLY
@PROPERTY "modal", 'pmod', 'bool', "is the window modal?", SINGLE, ENUM, RDONLY
@PROPERTY "resizable", 'prsz', 'bool', "is the window resizable?", SINGLE, ENUM, RDONLY
@PROPERTY "zoomable", 'iszm', 'bool', "is the window zoomable?", SINGLE, ENUM, RDONLY
@PROPERTY "zoomed", 'pzum', 'bool', "is the window zoomed?", SINGLE, ENUM, RDWR
@PROPERTY "name", 'pnam', 'TEXT', "the title of the window", SINGLE, ENUM, RDONLY
@PROPERTY "visible", 'pvis', 'bool', "is the window visible?", SINGLE, ENUM, RDWR
@PROPERTY "position", 'ppos', 'QDpt', "upper left coordinates of window", SINGLE, ENUM, RDWR
@SUITE "Miscelaneous Events", "Some other events", 'misc'
@EVENT "DoScript", "execute a gnuplot script", 'misc', 'dosc'
@REPLY 'TEXT', "what gnuplot said", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM
@DIRECT '****', "a gnuplot script to execute", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM, CHANGE
@PARAM "with client", 'CLIE', 'sign', "client application", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM
@PARAM "with creator", 'CREA', 'sign', "creator code for any output", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM
@PARAM "with type", 'TYPE', 'sign', "file type for any output", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM
@SUITE "odds and ends", "Things that should be in some standard suite, but aren't", 'Odds'
@EVENT "select", "select the specified object", 'misc', 'slct'
@REPLY 'null', "", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM
@DIRECT '****', "the object to select", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM, NOCHANGE
@SUITE "gnuplot Suite", "Events supplied by gnuplot", 'GPSE'
@EVENT "exec", "execute a gnuplot command", 'GPSE', 'exec'
@REPLY 'TEXT', "what gnuplot said", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM
@DIRECT 'TEXT', "a gnuplot command", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM, CHANGE
@PARAM "with client", 'CLIE', 'sign', "client application", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM
@PARAM "with creator", 'CREA', 'sign', "creator code for any output", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM
@PARAM "with type", 'TYPE', 'sign', "file type for any output", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM
@EVENT "halt", "halt any processing", 'GPSE', 'HALT'
@REPLY 'null', "", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM
@EVENT "open dialog", "open a gnuplot dialog", 'GPLT', 'DIAG'
@REPLY 'null', "", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM
@DIRECT 'DIAG', "the dialog to open", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM, NOCHANGE
@EVENT "plot", "do a 2d plot of files or data", 'GPLT', 'plot'
@REPLY 'TEXT', "what gnuplot said", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM
@DIRECT '****', "the data to plot", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM, NOCHANGE
@PARAM "with", 'line', 'lyty', "line style", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM
@EVENT "splot", "do a 3d plot files or data", 'GPLT', 'splt'
@REPLY 'TEXT', "what gnuplot said", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM
@DIRECT '****', "the data to plot", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM, NOCHANGE
@PARAM "with", 'line', 'lyty', "line style", OPT, SINGLE, ENUM
@CLASS "graph", 'cGRF', "graph - subclass of window"
@PROPERTY "picture", 'PICT', 'PICT', "the graph picture", SINGLE, ENUM, RDONLY
@PROPERTY "graph number", 'NUMB', 'shor', "the number of the graph", SINGLE, ENUM, RDONLY
@PROPERTY "title", 'TITL', 'TEXT', "the title of the graph", SINGLE, ENUM, RDONLY
@ENUM "label", 'labl', "label dialog"
@ENUM "offsets", 'oset', "offsets dialog"
@ENUM "textformat", 'text', "text format dialog"
@ENUM "gxtextformat", 'gxtx', "gx text format dialog"
@ENUM "linestyles", 'line', "line styles dialog"
@ENUM "preferences", 'pref', "preferences dialog"
@ENUM "lines", 'typ1', "lines"
@ENUM "points", 'typ2', "points"
@ENUM "impulses", 'typ3', "impulses"
@ENUM "linespoints", 'typ4', "lines with points"
@ENUM "dots", 'typ5', "dots"
@ENUM "steps", 'typ6', "steps"
@ENUM "fsteps", 'typ7', "use two line segments"
@ENUM "errorbars", 'typ8', "error bars"
@ENUM "xerrorbars", 'typ9', "horizontal error bars"
@ENUM "yerrorbars", 'ty10', "vertical error bars"
@ENUM "xyerrorbars", 'ty11', "horizontal and vertical error bars"
@ENUM "boxes", 'ty12', "boxes"
@ENUM "boxerrorbars", 'ty13', "boxes and error bars"
@ENUM "boxxyerrorbars", 'ty14', "boxes and xy error bars"
@ENUM "vector", 'ty19', "vector"